19th Sunday after Pentecost / 19ième Dimanche après la Pentecôte
Deutsch / Français / English / Polskie / Português:
English: Today, we reflect on the Gospel which concerns the King who invites many to a Great Banquet that He has organised. But in the end, they all have excuses for why they cannot come. Some treat his servants and messengers badly, even killing them.
Today is World Mission Sunday, we must remember those who take the Word of God into the World. They are like the King's messengers inviting those to His banquet.
And yes, there really are places in the world where people have not heard the Gospel. And we know very well that there are places where those who teach or witness to the Gospel are killed just as those servants were killed.
But let us think more locally, more personally. Are we being invited to the Banquet? The answer is yes. And how do we people in Luxembourg respond to the call? Not very well. Look at how empty the churches of Luxembourg are! Not that many are even willing to give an hour of their week to worship God. And yet, here in the Mass, the Lord Jesus is truly present. In fact on a Sunday morning, many of the shutters on the windows of homes in Luxembourg are still down. Yes, whilst there were plenty of excuses in the Gospel parable - too busy with the farm, too busy with the business etc, there are many in Luxembourg whose excuse is no better than that they would simply rather lie in bed. Of course, if they received an invitation from the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, they would be out of bed very quickly.
But those of us who get to Church needn't get too comfortable. The Gospel tells of the man who is not allowed to attend the Banquet because He is not wearing the correct wedding garment. So we need to ask ourselves whether we are presentable to the King at the Great Banquet? Are we properly prepared? Are we clothing our lives with the garments suitable for the Lord's Feast?
And now we come to mention the synod discussing the family that is taking place in Rome. Let us pray for this synod and for all those who are taking part. It must always be remembered that the Church's role is to be the conscience of the world. The Church has to say to the world what is right and what is wrong. It should not be the other way round. But we all know very well that the world would very much like to be telling the Church what is right and wrong and to have the Church change to reflect the ways of the world. But this is not how it is to be. Let us pray for the synod.
Today is World Mission Sunday, we must remember those who take the Word of God into the World. They are like the King's messengers inviting those to His banquet.
And yes, there really are places in the world where people have not heard the Gospel. And we know very well that there are places where those who teach or witness to the Gospel are killed just as those servants were killed.
But let us think more locally, more personally. Are we being invited to the Banquet? The answer is yes. And how do we people in Luxembourg respond to the call? Not very well. Look at how empty the churches of Luxembourg are! Not that many are even willing to give an hour of their week to worship God. And yet, here in the Mass, the Lord Jesus is truly present. In fact on a Sunday morning, many of the shutters on the windows of homes in Luxembourg are still down. Yes, whilst there were plenty of excuses in the Gospel parable - too busy with the farm, too busy with the business etc, there are many in Luxembourg whose excuse is no better than that they would simply rather lie in bed. Of course, if they received an invitation from the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, they would be out of bed very quickly.
But those of us who get to Church needn't get too comfortable. The Gospel tells of the man who is not allowed to attend the Banquet because He is not wearing the correct wedding garment. So we need to ask ourselves whether we are presentable to the King at the Great Banquet? Are we properly prepared? Are we clothing our lives with the garments suitable for the Lord's Feast?
And now we come to mention the synod discussing the family that is taking place in Rome. Let us pray for this synod and for all those who are taking part. It must always be remembered that the Church's role is to be the conscience of the world. The Church has to say to the world what is right and what is wrong. It should not be the other way round. But we all know very well that the world would very much like to be telling the Church what is right and wrong and to have the Church change to reflect the ways of the world. But this is not how it is to be. Let us pray for the synod.
"The Great Supper", Eugène Burnand, 1850-1921 |
Français : Aujourd'hui, nous pensons à l'Evangile qui concerne le Roi qui invite beaucoup à un grand banquet qu'il a organisé. Mais à la fin, ils ont tous des excuses pour expliquer pourquoi ils ne peuvent pas venir. Certains traitent ses serviteurs et messagers mal, même les tuer.
Aujourd'hui, c'est la Journée Missionnaire Mondiale, nous devons nous rappeler ceux qui prennent la Parole de Dieu dans le monde. Ils sont comme les messagers du roi invitant les gens à son banquet.
Et oui, il y a vraiment des endroits dans le monde où les gens n'ont pas encore entendu l'Evangile. Et nous savons très bien qu'il ya des endroits où ceux qui enseignent ou qui vivent en tant que chrétiens sont tués, tout comme les serviteurs de la parabole ont été tués.
Mais laisser envisager le local et personnel. Sommes-nous invités au banquet? La réponse est oui. Et comment pouvons-nous les Luxembourgeois répondent à l'appel? Pas très bien. Regardez comment vider les églises de Luxembourg sont! Non pas que beaucoup sont même prêts à donner une heure de leur semaine à adorer Dieu. Et ici, à la messe, le Seigneur Jésus est réellement présent! En fait, un dimanche matin, beaucoup de volets sur les fenêtres des maisons au Luxembourg sont encore en baisse. Oui, bien qu'il y avait beaucoup d'excuses de la parabole évangélique - trop occupé à la ferme, trop occupé avec l'entreprise etc, il y a beaucoup à Luxembourg qui serait tout simplement au lieu de rester au lit. C'est leur excuse! Bien sûr, s`ils ont reçu une invitation du Grand-Duc de Luxembourg , ils seraient hors du lit très rapidement.
Mais ceux d'entre nous qui arrivent à l'église doivent pas se sentir trop à l'aise. L'Evangile dit de l'homme qui n'est pas autorisé à assister au banquet parce qu'il ne porte pas de vêtement de mariage correct. Nous devons donc nous demander si nous sommes présentable pour le roi au Grand Banquet? Sommes-nous bien préparés? Pouvons-nous dire que notre mode de vie peut être considéré comme un vêtement approprié pour la fête du Seigneur?
Et maintenant, nous venons de mentionner le synode qui examine la famille et se déroule à Rome. Prions pour ce synode et pour tous ceux qui participent. Il faut toujours se rappeler que le rôle de l'Église est d'être la conscience du monde. L'Église doit dire au monde ce qui est juste et ce qui est mal. Il ne devrait pas être l'inverse. Mais nous savons tous très bien que le monde aimerait beaucoup être dit l'Eglise ce qui est bien et le mal et d'avoir le changement de l'Église afin de refléter les voies du monde. Mais ce n'est pas la façon dont il doit être. Prions pour le synode.