à cause d’absence de messe selon le calendrier liturgique tridentin [1962] pour le lundi - célébrée le dimanche comme autorisé par Ecclesia Dei
Due to an absence of mass as per the Tridentine Liturgical Calendar [1962] on the Monday - celebrated on Sunday as authorised by Ecclesia Dei
Deutsch / Français / English / Polskie / Português:
Français :
Séquence | ||||
Dies iræ, dies illa,
Solvet sæclum in favílla : Teste David cum Sibýlla. | Jour de colère que ce jour-là,
qui réduira en cendre le monde, selon l’oracle de David et de la Sibylle. | |||
Quantus tremor est futúrus,
Quando iudex est ventúrus, Cuncta stricte discussúrus. | Quelle terreur,
quand le juge viendra pour tout examiner avec rigueur ! | |||
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
Per sepúlcra regiónum, Coget omnes ante thronum. | La trompette jetant ses notes stupéfiantes
parmi les tombeaux assemblera tous les hommes devant le trône. | |||
Mors stupébit et natúra,
Cum resúrget creatúra, Iudicánti responsúra. | La mort et la nature seront stupéfaites,
quand surgira la créature, pour répondre au jugement. | |||
Liber scriptus proferétur,
In quo totum continétur, Unde mundus iudicétur. | On présentera le livre
où est écrit et renfermé tout l’objet du jugement. | |||
Iudex ergo cum sedébit.
Quidquid latet apparébit : Nil inúltum remanébit. | Quand le juge siégera,
tout ce qui est caché apparaîtra, rien ne restera impuni. | |||
Quid sum miser tunc dictúrus ?
Quem patrónum rogatúrus, Cum vix iustus sit secúrus ? | Malheureux, que dirai-je alors ?
Quel avocat vais-je implorer, quand le juste à peine sera en sûreté ? | |||
Rex treméndæ maiestátis,
Qui salvándos salvas gratis, Salva me, fons pietátis. | Roi d’une majesté redoutable,
qui sauvez gratuitement vos élus, sauvez-moi, Source de bonté. | |||
Recordáre, Iesu pie,
Quod sum causa tuæ viæ : Ne me perdas illa die. | Souvenez-vous, ô bon Jésus,
que vous êtes venu pour moi, ne me perdez pas en ce jour. | |||
Quærens me, sedésti lassus :
Redemísti crucem passus : Tantus labor non sit cassus. | À me chercher, vous vous êtes fatigué.
Vous m’avez racheté, en souffrant la Croix. Que tant d’efforts ne soient pas vains. | |||
Iuste iudex ultiónis,
Donum fac remissiónis Ante diem ratiónis. | Juge juste, en vos vengeances,
accordez-moi grâce et pardon avant le jour des comptes. | |||
Ingemísco, tamquam reus :
Culpa rubet vultus meus : supplicánti parce, Deus. | Je gémis comme un coupable :
Mes fautes font rougir mon front, je vous supplie, épargnez-moi. | |||
Qui Maríam absolvísti,
Et latrónem exaudísti, Mihi quoque spem dedísti. | Vous avez absous Marie-Madeleine,
et exaucé le larron, à moi aussi, donnez l’espérance. | |||
Preces meæ non sunt dignæ :
Sed tu bonus fac benigne, Ne perénni cremer igne. | Mes prières ne sont pas dignes.
Mais vous qui êtes bon, faites, de grâce, que je ne brûle pas au feu éternel. | |||
Inter oves locum præsta,
Et ab hædis me sequéstra, Státuens in parte dextra. | Placez-moi parmi les brebis,
séparez-moi des béliers, en me mettant à droite. | |||
Confutátis maledictis,
Flammis ácribus addíctis : Voca me cum benedictis. | En confondant les maudits,
voués aux flammes éternelles, appelez-moi avec les bénis. | |||
Oro supplex et acclínis,
Cor contrítum quasi cinis : Gere curam mei finis. | Je prie suppliant et prosterné,
le cœur broyé comme cendre, prenez soin de ma destinée. | |||
Lacrimósa dies illa,
Qua resúrget ex favílla. Iudicándus homo reus : Huic ergo parce Deus : | O jour de larmes,
où l’homme coupable ressuscitera de la poussière pour être jugé. Mais vous, ô Dieu, pardonnez-lui. | |||
Pie Iesu Dómine,
Dona eis réquiem. Amen. | Doux Jésus, Seigneur,
donnez-leur le repos. Ainsi soit-il. |
Aujourd'hui, nous commémorons toutes les âmes et nous avons noté les noms de ceux que nous connaissons qui sont morts. Cependant, nous profitons également de prier pour les âmes du purgatoire qui ont été oubliés. Oui, il est important de prier pour les âmes du purgatoire. Purgatoire nettoie une âme afin qu'elle soit en mesure de rejoindre Dieu. Nos prières peuvent aider à libérer une âme du purgatoire. Nous le savons par l'Ecriture, la tradition et notre catéchisme. Mais ne pensez pas que Dieu a besoin de nos prières. Dieu n'a pas besoin de notre adoration. Nous prions et adorons Dieu dans l'espoir de la grâce de Dieu. Voilà pourquoi il est important que nous passons du temps chaque jour dans l'adoration et la prière. Si nous ne dépensons au moins 30 minutes par jour à faire cela, alors nous ne faisons pas ce que nous devrions.
Vous savez, il ya beaucoup de gens qui appellent Jésus le sauveur, mais ils ne croient pas vraiment. Le faites vous? Vraiment? Êtes-vous vraiment prêt à le rencontrer? Rappelez-vous l'Evangile - nous pouvons aller de l'avant pour une nouvelle vie ou à la honte et le jugement! (Jean 5:29) Rappelez-vous les quatre dernières choses. Vous devez savoir ce qu'ils sont (la mort, le jugement, le ciel et l'enfer).
Last Judgement, c. 1435 (Stefan Lochner) |
Dreaded day, that day of ire,
When the world shall melt in fire,
Told by Sibyl and David’s lyre.
Fright men’s hearts shall rudely shift,
As the Judge through gleaming rift
Comes each soul to closely sift.
Then, the trumpet’s shrill refrain,
Piercing tombs by hill and plain,
Souls to judgment shall arraign.
Death and nature stand aghast,
As the bodies rising fast,
Hie to hear the sentence passed.
Then, before Him shall be placed,
That whereon the verdict’s based,
Book wherein each deed is traced.
When the Judge His seat shall gain,
All that’s hidden shall be plain,
Nothing shall unjudged remain.
Wretched man, what can I plead?
Whom to ask to intercede,
When the just much mercy need?
You, O awe-inspiring Lord,
Saving e’en when unimplored,
Save me, mercy’s fount adored.
O sweet Jesus, mindful be,
That You came on earth for me:
Cast me not from You this day.
Seeking me Your strength was spent
Ransoming Your limbs were rent:
Is this toil to no intent?
You, awarding pains condign,
Mercy’s ear to me incline,
Ere the reckoning You assign.
I, felon-like, my lot bewail,
Suffused cheeks my shame unveil:
God! O let my prayer prevail.
Mary’s soul You fashioned white,
And did to heaven the thief invite;
Hope in me these now excite.
Prayers of mine in vain ascend:
You are good and will forefend,
In quenchless fire my life to end.
When the cursed by shame oppressed,
Enter flames at Your behest,
Call me then to join the blessed.
Place amid Your sheep accord,
Keep me from the tainted horde,
Set me in Your sight, O Lord.
Prostrate, suppliant, now no more
Unrepenting, as of yore,
Save me dying, I implore.
Mournful day that day of sighs,
When from dust shall man arise,
Stained with guilt his doom to know,
Mercy, Lord, on him bestow.
Jesus, kind! Your souls release,
Led them thence to realms of peace.
Today we commemorate All Souls and we have noted names of those that we know who have died. However we take the opportunity to pray as well for those souls in purgatory who have been forgotten. Yes, it is important to pray for the souls in purgatory. Purgatory is to cleanse a soul in order for it to be able to join God. Our prayers can help release a soul from purgatory. Scripture, tradition and our catechism teaches us this. But do not think that God needs our prayers. God does not need our worship for anything. We pray and worship God in the hope of God`s graces. This is why it is important that we spend time each day in worship and prayer. If we are not spending at least 30 minutes a day doing this then it is not good enough.
You know, there are many people that call Jesus the saviour, but they do not really believe it. Do you? Really? Are you actually ready to meet Him? Remember the Gospel - we can go forth to new life or to shame and judgement! (John 5:29) Remember the four last things. You should know what they are (death, judgment, Heaven and hell).
Dreaded day, that day of ire,
When the world shall melt in fire,
Told by Sibyl and David’s lyre.
Fright men’s hearts shall rudely shift,
As the Judge through gleaming rift
Comes each soul to closely sift.
Then, the trumpet’s shrill refrain,
Piercing tombs by hill and plain,
Souls to judgment shall arraign.
Death and nature stand aghast,
As the bodies rising fast,
Hie to hear the sentence passed.
Then, before Him shall be placed,
That whereon the verdict’s based,
Book wherein each deed is traced.
When the Judge His seat shall gain,
All that’s hidden shall be plain,
Nothing shall unjudged remain.
Wretched man, what can I plead?
Whom to ask to intercede,
When the just much mercy need?
You, O awe-inspiring Lord,
Saving e’en when unimplored,
Save me, mercy’s fount adored.
O sweet Jesus, mindful be,
That You came on earth for me:
Cast me not from You this day.
Seeking me Your strength was spent
Ransoming Your limbs were rent:
Is this toil to no intent?
You, awarding pains condign,
Mercy’s ear to me incline,
Ere the reckoning You assign.
I, felon-like, my lot bewail,
Suffused cheeks my shame unveil:
God! O let my prayer prevail.
Mary’s soul You fashioned white,
And did to heaven the thief invite;
Hope in me these now excite.
Prayers of mine in vain ascend:
You are good and will forefend,
In quenchless fire my life to end.
When the cursed by shame oppressed,
Enter flames at Your behest,
Call me then to join the blessed.
Place amid Your sheep accord,
Keep me from the tainted horde,
Set me in Your sight, O Lord.
Prostrate, suppliant, now no more
Unrepenting, as of yore,
Save me dying, I implore.
Mournful day that day of sighs,
When from dust shall man arise,
Stained with guilt his doom to know,
Mercy, Lord, on him bestow.
Jesus, kind! Your souls release,
Led them thence to realms of peace.
Today we commemorate All Souls and we have noted names of those that we know who have died. However we take the opportunity to pray as well for those souls in purgatory who have been forgotten. Yes, it is important to pray for the souls in purgatory. Purgatory is to cleanse a soul in order for it to be able to join God. Our prayers can help release a soul from purgatory. Scripture, tradition and our catechism teaches us this. But do not think that God needs our prayers. God does not need our worship for anything. We pray and worship God in the hope of God`s graces. This is why it is important that we spend time each day in worship and prayer. If we are not spending at least 30 minutes a day doing this then it is not good enough.
You know, there are many people that call Jesus the saviour, but they do not really believe it. Do you? Really? Are you actually ready to meet Him? Remember the Gospel - we can go forth to new life or to shame and judgement! (John 5:29) Remember the four last things. You should know what they are (death, judgment, Heaven and hell).